Generalissimo “Sancho” Sanchorito Burrito
Generalissimo “Sancho” Sanchorito Burrito fought valiantly in the Mexican Army. He was commended for his bravery against the Americans during the Mexican-American War, and again against the French during the Battle of Puebla. (Hence, Cinco de Mayo was his favorite holiday). He briefly led the nation as a dictator until the coup that forced him to flee in secrecy across the Rio Grande to the US.
Sancho was adopted in Texas in 2010. He later moved to Missouri before retiring to Louisiana. In the US, Sancho had many enemies, notably the garbage truck, as well as UPS, FedEx, and mail trucks and drivers. Sancho had a disdain for gardening and peed on all pretty flowers. He also disliked kitty cats, hockey, or anyone clapping their hands. His favorite hobby was barking – at everyone – all the time. He also enjoyed howling at firetruck sirens and attacking his shark puppet. Sancho hated to be dressed up – he let everyone know he was not there for their amusement.
Sancho enjoyed the finer things, such as mini-filets, Starbucks puppuccinos, and McDonald’s fries. He demanded there be a bed in every room in the house, and he switched beds often. He commandeered all pillows and blankets, regardless of how high they were piled. He unapologetically loved the color pink. He hated baths but enjoyed being burrito-wrapped in the towel. Every day without fail, he cleaned his feet and face after every meal and before bed.
Because he was such a big dog (weighing in at a whopping 8lbs.), Sancho required the sliding door be opened all the way, else he could not fit through. He also only liked running with big dogs at the dog park. He enjoyed riding in the car and in his stroller. As he was of nobility, he expected to be carried and chauffeured as such.
Sancho always protected the house and his mommy and had a reputation for attacking ankles and boots. Even on his last day, Sancho napped in front of the storm door to guard against enemies and delivery drivers.
Sancho was preceded in death by his daddy, CW4 Joe Henry, US Army; sister Brownie (Chihuahua); cousin Pike (husky-shepherd); and sisters Maddie (Beagle) and Pearl (cat).
He is survived by his mommy, Dr. Pamela Kennedy; grandparents Pat & Mary Ann Kennedy; uncle Eric Kennedy; cousin Gabriel (cat); and sister Nola (Terrier-ist).
He was a good boy and will be missed.