Lucky Star Strain Adams

Lucky passed away on Tuesday December 15, 2009 at 11:20am. He was 18 years old. He was mixed with Pekingese & Terrier. His hair was brown, black & a little red but mostly brown. It was so silky like human hair. He had been fighting chronic kidney disease since January. He also developed anemia a few days ago. Everyone that knew him knew that he was a fighter! He got real sick in July 2009 & all the vets said he wasn’t going to survive but I brought him home & nursed him back to life. I told him to fight because I couldn’t lose him & he made a full recovery but then a few days ago his body started to shut down on him & I guess he just couldn’t fight anymore. I miss him so much & I don’t know how I’m going to live without him! I don’t know how to say goodbye because I’ve had him since I was 12 years old. I’m just glad that I was with him when he passed, petting him & telling him that I loved him!
Lucky was born in Richmond, Va on May 11, 1991. I named him Lucky Star after a Madonna song. I always said I named him right because he was lucky he stayed living with me because my parents would constantly bring puppies home & then give them away after a few weeks & tell me that they ran away like I was stupid enough to believe that. I think I also named him right because he was lucky that he lived to be 18 seeing how most dogs don’t live that long. I’ve had him ever since he was an 8 week old puppy. He lived in Virginia for the 1st year of his life until we moved here in 1992. He was the greatest gift I ever got. He was with me thru everything. He was my son & my best friend. I called him my little angel. He use to follow me everywhere I went. Even if he was sleeping & he heard me get up, he would get up too. He was the sweetest little boy I ever knew! I remember when I was a kid he would lick my tears off my face when I was upset. I wish he could lick my tears for me now. I feel like there is a hole in my heart now. I just can’t believe he’s gone. It all happened so quick. One minute I was petting him & he was breathing & the next minute he wasn’t. I was hoping that he would make it to spend 1 more Christmas with me but I guess he just wasn’t strong enough. To think that I will never again be able to hold or kiss him is killing me. I love him so much & he will truly be missed!
He is survived by me, Lisa Strain Adams his mother & Eskimo his husky brother.