Mika Melius

Ahh, Little Meek. I don’t feel like I should be writing this for you. Not yet, anyway! But I am. You took us all by surprise and it is hard to comprehend that you are no longer guarding the gate on Geranium, always on the lookout when home. We anticipate you tearing around the corner of the kitchen door when the food bowls hit the floor! Or, dancing on your back paws waiting for your bowl to be set down next. And, of course, you would be the first to finish so you could try to steal a morsel of Zeus or Wilson’s meal. You might be checking out the litter box for something of interest or searching for a pair of panties that didn’t make it into the hamper. I see you contently snuggling with Kristen and Wilson not wanting to be disturbed. What I really miss is not having you beg for me to pick you up when I call out “who is ready to go to work?” in the morning. Wilson and Zeus are there, but where is my Meeka Cheeka Weeka Peeka Teeka? Where is my little girl? Where is that cute little member of Heaven s Pets welcoming committee?Well, I do believe in Heaven and I do believe that all of our beloved creatures are there waiting for us to join them. I’m sure you are hanging out with Barney and Chip. The three of you are all smiles, tails wagging, healthy and playing. I’ll bet you even have a stuffed toy alligator to do who knows what with! (Some of us know what that “what” is!) There are trails to hike, ski boats to ride and swimming pools to run around! What fun you must be having!